Wednesday, January 13, 2016

It's a work in progress ...

I have my website up now at

It is a work in progress, but I am finally making connections. By making connections, I mean that I have all of these various places where I make what I will call stand-alone connections. This blogspot is one. Linked-In is another. There there is Facebook, and I also work with students through an LMS and more. The connections are so immediate as I keep moving back and forth and messages do not seem unified. Now I am looking to make those messages more unified, when necessary.

I finally just paid someone else to build the website and I will work with it from here. Time is a precious commodity, and I also find that I have finally found my limits. I do like a do-it-yourself approach, by that meant I had no website for a long time. It is sort of this way with many things. This morning I brought in a computer expert to connect a printer to a computer via wifi, as I did not know the exact button to push. Yesterday I hired a plumber to fix a pipe problem. As I say, I have finally learned the practical approach of hiring someone else to do things. I like a challenge but it sometimes means I am without one thing or another when something does not work or falls apart.

Anyway, with that said, it is interesting to see that the website already is generating traffic from far away places. It will get better, once I learn how to better use the site.

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